The term “mobility cloud computing” is used for the entire gamut of storage and processing of data remotely from a device, while the user can access their data uninterrupted and process it seamlessly through any given device, securely.
As in case of mobile device and application landscape, the mobile management ecosystem is constantly evolving. There are various components of mobility management, including mobile device management, mobile app management and mobile security.
Earlier, in our previous blog we discussed the issues related to cloud mobility implementation and management. Although the process of implementation needs extreme expertise and can be challenging, however Cloud based mobility management has its own benefits that cannot be ignored. Let’s briefly discuss some of the important ones.
Benefits of Cloud based Mobility Solutions
There are multiple vendors and numerous deployment mobility devices – including on-premise, full cloud and hybrid. The dynamics of the components included in any solutions differ from one vendor to another.
Rapid deployment: It takes quite a long phase for a business to roll out Mobile Device Management (MDM) system. However, cloud-based solutions can be activated in a day which empowers an enterprise to rapidly deploy policies and control access with a mere click for configuration and provisioning.
Flexible expense management: In majority of cloud-based models the payment mode is predictable, and service based, and you scale at your pace aligning to business requirements. Whether the business requirement is for 500 or 1000 employees at any given time, it takes the same amount of IT resources and can be achieved in the same time frame.
Cost-effective for Businesses: Employees and users share application and resources without any huge investment on a software and hardware that enables enterprises to have least expenditure using cloud computing tools. The technical setup and operational resource allocation are minimal that results in optimum price structure, quick and simple.
Device diversity: Today, businesses support RIM’s blackberry operating system and also have Apple’s iOS devices. In addition, there are Android and Windows based phones. A cloud-based management solution is a one-stop solution that supports all the operating systems.
One console for all: In extension to device diversity ecosystem, while you support multiple operating systems, you will have many consoles. You can get an integrated console view through an on-premise MDM solution but only when you roll out the solution. With cloud mobility management, you establish the capability to support iOS-based devices on one console and use that same console to support Android devices as well.
Almost Zero-day updates: Operating system landscape evolves rapidly. Each time there is a new version of operating system rolled out, you have the painstaking process of updating your mobility management solution. As a result, your IT team lags for weeks in supporting the newest releases of an OS. As opposed to the cloud-based providers who have the service updated almost instantly and the effort is minimal.
The cloud is constantly evolving and so has been the way mobile applications are developed and used within the companies. Though the marriage of mobility and the cloud is like a match made in heaven for disparate teams to collaborate and access business-critical applications unanimously and virtually from any corner of the globe 24/7. Still, IT leaders have the existing challenges to be allayed before they turn cloud and mobility into a “happening couple” to drive business innovation and growth.
CMS IT Services, with its wide expertise and experience brings together tailored and enterprise-based cloud mobility solutions that are robust, agile and completely meant for next generation employees to counter the cloud and mobility challenges and exploit the several benefits for a future ready business IT infrastructure.
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